The Enneagram Test and My Results

Have you heard about the Enneagram Test? It is a short test you can take to learn about your personality. There are nine interconnected personality types, and this test gives you insight into which types are the strongest in your personality.

2019 has been the year of personal development for me. We had a lot of changes in our life this year. I left a job at a company I had been with for eight years, we left all our friends and family and moved across the country, and we started a new life in a new city with new jobs. I felt like the best way to handle all of the change was to learn about who I am at my core.

Before I was hired with my current company they had me take a personality test geared toward sales and marketing, which is the field I work in. It gave my future bosses a look at my work ethic and how I will interact with my coworkers and supervisors.

Once I was hired the company that administered the test set up a call to go over the results with me and tell me how they affected the way I work. I found it incredibly interesting. The results didn’t surprise me, but I was interested in learning more about my personality.

Fast forward to everyone online talking about this Enneagram test a month or so ago. I feel like everyone I follow on social media was talking about it. I finally had 10 minutes to sit down and take this test for myself, and I got the results in an email.

Of the nine personality types, the one that stands out the most for me is number 7, the entertaining optimist. According to the results, that means I eternal optimism, charisma and fun loving nature.

” Of all the Enneagram Types, 7s stand out for their eternal optimism, charisma and fun loving nature. Their upbeat and inventive approach to things, coupled with the eagerness to explore new possibilities, causes them to have a broad range of interests, knowledge, and wide social networks. Their flexibility, love of life, ability to garner support, and contagious enthusiasm reflects the joy and abundance of God. “

The results also give you some info on things like core fear, core desire, and core weakness. They also give you some key motivations and key objectives. My key motivation is to have fun and fill myself up by enjoying a wide variety of experiences.

The line that really got me in my results email was ” While they radiate positivity and happiness, internally they are always longing for more and fearful of missing out. To them, life is like cotton candy, super sweet to the taste, but it disappears quickly and they’re constantly unsatisfied, wanting more.”

This. Is. So. True.

You can take the test for yourself here. It is free, and only takes a few minutes. I would love to hear if you think your results are accurate, and what you learned from them.