March 2020 is a month I don’t think I will ever forget.

It started out pretty normal. The first weekend of March was filled with kitty cuddles and chill time with Aaron. Side note, Bishop lays on my side like that all the time. It’s weird.

We voted in the primary the first week of March. California allows every voter to vote by mail, and I don’t understand why every state doesn’t do it the same way. They sent me a ballot, I filled it out and dropped it off at a polling station on the morning of election day. I could have mailed it in sooner, but I procrastinate.

March was supposed to be our last full month in our office. We are moving to a new space, and our current office seemed more empty every day. Little did I know we would only spend two weeks here.

My glasses from Warby Parker arrived, and I love them. I do need to pop into a store when they reopen to get them adjusted a little so they don’t fall down, but I love everything else about them. You can read about the ordering process here.

Friday, March 6th things started to get weird. Events started to cancel, offices started to shut down, and the city started to feel a little quieter.

Saturday, March 7th was my 33rd birthday. Luckily, the whole city wasn’t closed at this point, so we managed to get some friends together. We started the day with a delicious breakfast at The Grove, then Aaron cleaned the apartment while I relaxed. We ordered cupcakes from Suzie Cakes that were so good, I wish I would have gotten 12 of them.

We had some friends over for a drink, then we walked down to a Mexican restaurant we had never been to. We saw this queso appetizer on the menu and were instantly sold. That margarita was pretty good too.

We ended up eating nothing but cheese for dinner that night. So much delicious cheese.

We walked the 10 minutes back to our apartment to top the cheese off with cupcakes. The weather was beautiful that night, and after all the queso I needed that walk.

The week of March 9th was our last week in our office Downtown San Francisco. We were told on March 12th, that starting the 13th we would work from home for two weeks. Spoiler alert, it will be way longer than two weeks.

Aaron and I left the city to find a different grocery store on Saturday, March 14th. We knew it would be crazy inside, so we distracted ourselves with a trip to Ross. We found super cheap luggage, throw pillows, and more.

We did hit the grocery jackpot with Vernors! We also stocked up on all the snacks knowing we would be eating every meal at home for the next two weeks.

Aaron and I started to figure out how to work from home. I started by getting ready every morning like I was still going to an office. You can read all my work from home tips here.

The cats loved having us home the first few days. To be honest, I think they are over it at this point.

March 17, 2020 – San Francisco was placed under shelter in place.

Getting outside for fresh air or exercise is permitted under shelter in place rules, so Aaron and I went for a walk one afternoon and found a very empty city. I have more photos here.

I decided Fridays would be casual. Casual Friday means something different when you work from home.

I took hundreds of photos of Jade and Bishop. So many that we decided to make an Instagram account dedicated to only cat photos. You can follow them here.

We made our second grocery store trip on Saturday, March 21st. This time we had to wait in line to get into Safeway. I actually prefer this way, we waited about 10 minutes to get in, but then the store was virtually empty and we didn’t have to wait to check out.

The next evening we were sitting on the couch watching TV when the fire alarm started going off. We packed up the cats and walked down 20 flights of stairs to find two firetrucks outside our building. Luckily, it was a false alarm and we were back to our TV show within the hour.

We have cleaned every room in our apartment so many times at this point. We moved all the furniture, steam mopped everything. The place is spotless. Except for the kitchen. Does anyone else feel like you are doing dishes all day long? I feel like that is all I do some days.

I found a wine delivery service and ordered my first box of wine from Winc. I have only tried the Pinot so far, but it was really good. If you want to try your own box of wine, you can get $20 off your first box here.

Aaron and I finally found a rhythm for working from home. The cats want to be on every video call, and phone call we have. By the end of week 2 we had a good schedule figured out.
We started and finished Tiger King on Netflix this month. If you haven’t watched it yet you should. What else do you have to do right now?

I decided to find the brightest nail polish color I could, and paint my nails and toes. The pop of color is fun and makes me feel like I’m getting ready for a vacation. Even if that vacation is just a walk around the block.
This brings me to today, March 31st. I can’t believe the month is over. Today was supposed to be our last day in our office Downtown. We don’t know when we will be able to move into our new office. We have found a good rhythm working from home. We work, we exercise, we eat dinner, then we cuddle with Bishop and Jade. As weird as this time is, I am enjoying the simplicity of it. We have stayed in touch with friends and family via phone calls, texts, and video calls. We will all get through this, just find the good in each day.
On to April…