Some Weekend Wins

Today (May 18th) marks the 63rd day of shelter in place for San Francisco. Some of those 63 days have been easy, some of those 63 days have been much harder.

I have learned to celebrate the small wins in the past 63 days to stay as positive as possible, and it seems to help. So, I am publicly celebrating the wins from this past weekend, in hopes that it will inspire you to do the same.

Aaron used to play poker on Friday evenings, and he would always grab Thai food on his way home from our favorite place, Osha. We realized on Friday, that even though he can’t play cards we can still have the best crab rangoons ever made. We continued our Friday tradition of Osha this week, and it was just as delicious as I remembered.

For the first time in weeks we didn’t have to wait in line to get in to the grocery store! We didn’t even wait that long to check out on Saturday afternoon.

We had beautiful weather Saturday, so after we put away the groceries we took a walk around the city. This is Macy’s, this location is still closed, but hopefully they will have curbside pickup soon.

While there may be fencing around the hearts of San Francisco, they don’t take away the spirit of the art displays throughout the city.

It was supposed to rain all day Sunday, so I planned to cook and bake all the “internet trends” I have seen recently. These are the Doubletree chocolate chip cookies. They were good, but to be honest, I like my chocolate chip cookie recipe better. My recipe is quicker and the dough is easier to work with.

I also made Mississippi Roast in the crockpot. I had seen so many people making it on Facebook, I had to try it. All you need is a beef roast, one packet of ranch seasoning, one pack of au jus seasoning, some canned pepperoncinis, and a stick of butter. The rost was delicious. I served mashed potatoes and glazed carrots with it.

I even made my own butter for the mashed potatoes. A friend sent me a butter churn and I tested it out this weekend. I just made regular butter with whipping cream, but I can’t wait to make garlic butter for garlic bread and cinnamon butter for toast.

While dinner was in the crockpot, Aaron and I organized some drawers and cleaned out some clothes I haven’t worn in the last year. It feels so good to open your closet or drawer in the morning and see everything neatly organized.

I found a laundry basket full of clothes that were either too big (yay!) or I have no use for here. I found 9 pair of shorts. It rarely gets above 65 here, I don’t need that many, so I pulled out a few pair to sell or donate.

We got our butts out of bed early this morning for a run. We have been running two miles on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week, and I’m starting to not hate it as much. Some days are harder than others, but that is true in all aspects of life right?

Side note: I know the windows are disgusting. Window washing isn’t considered essential maintenance right now.

One last win to round out Monday, my lipstick matches my shirt. It’s a small win, but it makes me happy.