Instantly Upgrade Your Look: The Power of the Front Tuck

I don’t know about you, but I love any hack that makes me look more put together without a lot of effort. I also like to walk the line between business casual and comfort as best I can.

I have never been a person that looks good with a tucked-in shirt. I have no idea why I think my torso is too short or something. However, if I leave all my shirts untucked it can look sloppy. I have found a solution that not only makes my waist appear smaller but also makes me look more put together.

By just tucking in the front of your shirt or sweater and leaving the sides and back untucked you avoid the awkward “stuffy” look that can come with a tucked-in shirt while pulling your look together and accenting your waist.

These photos above were taken 3 minutes apart. See how much better the right side looks?

In the left photo, my shirt is tucked in all the way around. I look larger and boxy. On the right, I have just the front tucked in. It looks better, right?

It’s such a simple hack, but I feel like it was a game-changer for me. Try it out and let me know what you think.