Low Messy Side Bun Tutorial

I think it is safe to say that life is different for most of us right now. In San Francisco, we are on week two of shelter in place which means we should only leave our homes when absolutely necessary.

Aaron and I are both fortunate enough to be able to work from home, but even that looks different. I am still “getting ready” for work each day so I feel like it is work time, but getting ready these days means a little makeup, real pants, and brushed hair.

After a full week of top knots and messy buns, I decided I needed to do something different with my hair that was still easy but looked a little more done.

I introduce to you, the messy low side bun.

I have done this hairstyle a couple of different times, and each time I’m reminded of how much I love it.

It feels slightly more “done” than a ponytail or a top knot, but it is just as quick and easy.

Let me know if you try this while you are stuck at home. Now is the time to try out new hairstyles and makeup looks!