Hair Tie 101: What Hair Ties To Use for Different Hairstyles

Do you remember when we all wore hair ties with metal clasps that ripped half your hair out? Whoever convinced us those were a good option or tool for hairstyles has to be laughing rolling around in their money somewhere.

There are so many types of hair ties to choose from, how do you know what ones to use for what hairstyle? I have tried them all. Seriously, all of them. I will tell you what hair ties work best for me, and hopefully they will work the best for you too!

Let’s start with these basic hair ties that everyone has somewhere in their house. I used to use these for ponytails, but they would leave a giant crease in my hair. I still have a pile of these in my bathroom drawer, but I don’t really use them for anything anymore. I switched earlier this year to a hair tie that doesn’t pull my hair out, or leave creases!

These are the GIMME Beauty “any fit” hair ties. They are super stretchy and soft but hold my hair very well. I use these for high ponytails while I sleep, and quick ponytails during the day.

GIMME Beauty also makes a thick band for those of us with lots of hair. I use these when I work out, or for more of a “styled” ponytail. These are just as stretchy as the “any fit”, they are just thicker and made of a thicker material. They kind of feel like a sweater.

I get so much volume in my pony tails when I use these. I haven’t had one stretch out on me yet, but if they do you can throw them in the washer to shrink them back down.

I love a good bunny ear bow on a scrunchie for a top knot, or really any ponytail. I use these for my top knots most often though to dress them up a little bit.

When I first bought these I thought they would make me feel like a little kid, but I don’t at all. I wear them in top knots all the time.

These are adorable, but don’t stand a chance with my hair. I have a bunch of them, and to be honest I have no idea where I got them. I only use them for half up styles, because they won’t hold all of my hair.

I realize you can’t see the hair tie here, but I know I have one of those tied ones in. I do like the fun pop of color, I just can’t use them for any other hairstyle.

I exclusively used these hair ties for a few years. They don’t crease, but they do stretch out. The good news is that when they do stretch out you can run them under hot water or shrink them back down with a blow dryer. I still use these for low buns and sometimes top knots.

I like that you can pull the loops out and tuck in lose pieces in a bun. They aren’t very cute for a normal ponytail though, so just keep that in mind.

The only other type of hair tie I use is the tiny rubber ones, and only for small braids or small sections of hair. I don’t use them that often because they pull my hair out, but sometimes you need a clear, tiny hair tie.

Are their any hair ties that you love that maybe I haven’t tried yet?


  1. Camper Frame

    Your style is so unique in comparison to other folks I’ve read stuff from. I appreciate you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I’ll just bookmark this site.

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