Time is Such a Crazy Thing

We all know that times flies by, right? It is January 1st and a new year is just beginning then you blink and all the sudden it is August and summer is almost over.

The most simple every day item made me realize how we just go through the motions of our life and let time fly by. What was it that made me think so deeply about the day-to-day? It was my electric toothbrush. Weird, right? Let me explain.

I have had the same electric toothbrush for years. Aaron and I both got them for Christmas five or six years ago. I have been telling Aaron for at least a year that I think it is dying because I have to charge it “all the time”. It felt like I was charging it every week. Until I moved away.

We moved to San Francisco on January 12, 2019. We lived in temporary housing for two months, so we only brought four suitcases and the cats (you can read all about that here). For some reason, probably because I just forgot, I didn’t bring the charger for my toothbrush. I remember picking it up and thinking I have to remember this or my toothbrush will be dead in a week. I didn’t remember to pack it, and I didn’t even realize I forgot it for six weeks because that is actually how long the battery lasts on my toothbrush.

The toothbrush started to die in late February and the thought hit me. I didn’t bring the charger and I moved six weeks ago. What seemed like a weekly occurrence to me, was actually only happening every six-ish weeks.

I realize this is a very deep thought to be brought on by a dead toothbrush, but sometimes you have realizations at the most random times. We all need to slow down and enjoy the moment. Stop going though the motions day in and day out and actually look around. If we don’t make a conscious effort to do that our lives will flash by six weeks at a time.