Monthly Recap: September 2020

What the heck happened in September? It flew by, and was so slow at the same time. In San Francisco we had poor air quality to deal with on top of everything else 2020 has blessed us with, so we honestly didn’t leave our apartment much last month.

The orange apocalyptic skies were famous last month. Everyone saw images on their local news. The weird thing was the air quality wasn’t as bad that day as it became later in the month. You can read all about the orange sky day here.

We are still going in to the office one day each week, and to be honest it’s super weird. There are only a handfull of us there, so it kind of feels like working on a Saturday afternoon. We showed up early September and found cardboard cutouts all over the building. This guy hung out by my desk all day and helped me brainstorm.

It wouldn’t be a monthly recap if I didn’t include a picture of either Bishop or Jade. Bishop loves this blanket from Target and lets me swaddle him in it a night.

I made all the desserts and treats in September. The first thing I made was this very simple chocolate lasagna. I found this recipe on Pinterest, and I have made it a few times. Aaron loves it and its super easy to throw together.

I also made this pumpkin bread from Lately by Lex. It was so freaking good.

My favorite way to eat it is with butter, but it’s just as good without the butter.

The same weekend I made the pumpkin bread I made an apple crisp. This recipe is my favorite. We warmed it up and ate it with vanilla ice cream, but it is just as good (and better for you) without the ice cream.

We finally caved and purchased an air conditioner. We have one in Michigan that we didn’t bring when we moved because everyone said we would never need it. We have had some serious heat waves this year, and I was done with them. I found this portable air conditioner on Facebook Marketplace and found a way to vent it with some foam. I slept like a baby the first night!

This multi-color nail trend has been all over Pinterest, so I tried it out. I actually really like it and plan to do another version with grey and blue shades.